Page 3 - PERIODIC Magazine Issue 5
P. 3
ews & Achievements
A selection of recent highlights.
More news can be found at
Oxford Chemistry tops OxStem Ltd, an Oxford spin-out co-founded by
the League Tables. Professor Steve Davies and Professor Angela Russell,
The Department’s MChem course has has launched a fourth subsidiary.
come top of the Chemistry list in the OxStem Cardio, co-founded with colleagues from the
Guardian University Guide. Oxford’s Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine and the British
excellence rating was 100, the highest Heart Foundation, aims to identify drugs that will restore lost
score of any UK Chemistry department. tissue following a heart attack by inducing cardiovascular
regeneration, in order to improve cardiac function.
Professor Luet Wong was a finalist in the 2017 BBSRC
Innovator of the Year competition which recognises the Professor Roel Dullens has received a highly
important impact bioscience research and innovation has on prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant. The e2M project
lives, society and the economy will fund a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to the
study of interfacial phenomena in colloidal systems.
Professor Andrew Goodwin is the RSC Corday-Morgan
Prize winner for 2017, awarded for the most meritorious Professor Veronique Gouverneur has established an
contributions to chemistry. Andrew’s work focuses on Innovative Training Network (ITN) to study late stage
a range of useful materials, including artificial muscles, fluorination and its applications to drug discovery. EU-
pharmaceuticals, new types of magnets, and solids that can funded ITNs bring together universities and companies from
convert waste heat into electricity. different countries to train a new generation of researchers.
Professor Harry L. Anderson is the 2017 winner of Dr Alexander Hinz, post-doc in the
the Izatt-Christensen Prize, an international prize awarded Goicoechea group, was selected
annually for work in the field of macrocyclic chemistry. as the 2017 RSC Dalton Emerging
Researcher for his contributions to low-
Professor Mike Mingos was valent main group chemistry.
awarded the 2017 Blaise Pascal
Medal for Chemistry by the Professor Justin Benesch was
European Academy of Sciences, awarded the Howard Prize Lecture
in recognition of his outstanding of the Biophysical Sciences Institute for his work on
personal contributions to science and the role of dynamics in the assembly, activity and evolution of
technology and to the promotion of proteins.
excellence in research and education.
Professor Paul Beer has received an honorary
Professor Dame Carol Doctorate from the University of Murcia, Spain.
Robinson is President-Elect Research in the Beer group has made major contributions
of the Royal Society of to the field of host-guest chemistry, which adds to the
Chemistry for 2017-18. fundamental knowledge of how one molecule recognises
Dame Carol has also been and interacts with another.
elected as a Foreign Associate
Member of the National Professor Ben Davis has been awarded the 2017 Prix
Academy of Sciences. Paul Ehrlich of the Société de Chimie Thérapeutique
(SCT). The prize, for outstanding contributions to medicinal
chemistry, is awarded annually at the International Meeting
of Therapeutic Chemistry (RICT).
We are delighted to be working in partnership with Elsevier and gratefully acknowledge their
sponsorship contribution to this magazine. Thank you also to Oxford University Press for their generous
gift-in-kind towards the cost of printing.
The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry