Page 3 - PERIODIC Magazine Issue 6
P. 3


                           ews & Achievements

                           A selection of recent highlights.
                           More news can be found at

                                              Two distinguished   Professors Andrew
                                              Oxford chemists,    Goodwin and
                                              Professor Tim       Philipp Kukura
                                              Softley and         were honoured in the
                                              Professor Graham    inaugural Blavatnik
                                              Richards CBE were   Awards for young
                 among the exceptional scientists elected as new Fellows of   scientists in the UK.
                 the Royal Society.  Graham also received the 2018 Richard J.   Philipp, named as a Chemistry Finalist, is recognised for
                 Bolte Sr. Award from the US Science History Institute.    his pioneering efforts in single-molecule scale microscopy
                                                                  and spectroscopy.   Andrew, named as the 2018 Chemistry
                 Dr Nicky Farrer was awarded a                    Laureate, is a world leader in the study of the chemistry
                 L’Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science              and physics of functional materials. Andrew has also been
                 Fellowship for her research on the               awarded an Advanced Grant of £3.4M by the European
                 targeted delivery of anti-cancer drugs to        Research Council to fund a comprehensive multidisciplinary
                 improve the quality and length of life for       study of complex order in functional materials.
                 cancer patients.
                                                                                  Professor Dame Carol Robinson
                 Five Oxford chemists were among the winners of                   began her Presidency of the Royal
                 the RSC’s 2018 prizes and awards, which celebrate                Society of Chemistry on 11th July.
                 outstanding work and recognise achievements in advancing
                 the chemical sciences.   Professor Simon Aldridge won                      The ‘Burton Boys’ Sam Chan,
                 the Frankland Award for his research in the area of                          Kilian Garrec and Joe Mason of
                 organometallic chemistry.  Professor Sir David Clary received         the SBM CDT won the 1st prize at
                 the Spiers Memorial Prize, Professor Richard Compton won              the final of the 5th National RSC/
                 the Robert Boyle Prize for Analytical Science.  Professor Jose        SCI Retrosynthesis Competition.
                 Goicoechea received the Main Group Chemistry Award and                Oxford Chemistry teams were
                 Konrad Ngamchuea the Ronald Belcher Award.                            on the podium for all five of the

                                                                  Anthony Bradley has been awarded an EPSRC-UKRI
                                                                  Innovation Fellowship, which
                                                                  aims to support scientists
                                                                  whose research can help
                                Professor Charlotte Williams is the   to achieve the aims of the
                                recipient of the 2018 Otto Roelen Medal,   Industrial Strategy and will
                                awarded by DECHEMA and the German   lead to either short or long-
                                Catalysis society for outstanding scientific   term economic benefit for
                                work in the field of catalysis.   the UK.

                                                                  Tim Barendt, Sarah
                 Drs Mohammadali Foroozandeh, Michael Booth and   Morrow (SBM CDT),
                 Matthew Langton were successful in their applications for   Michal Hedjuk and Jutta
                 Royal Society University Research Fellowships, awarded to   Toscano represented Oxford
                 outstanding early-career scientists who have the potential to   Chemistry in spring at
                 become leaders in their field. Dr Michael Booth represented   STEM for Britain, a poster
                 the Royal Society of Chemistry at the Voice of the Future   competition at Westminster
                 event in Parliament, and he is also the recipient of the   for early career researchers.
                 Biochemical Society’s 2019 Early Career Researcher Award
                 for young scientists who have produced international quality

                                                               The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry
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