Page 27 - Periodic ISSUE 8
P. 27

Muriel Tomlinson in 1956.
 P  ioneering Women   O     xford Women

 Chemists at Oxford         in Chemistry

 In 2020 the University marked one hundred years   which may have inspired her choice   This year, Oxford Women in Chemistry (OxWiChem)
 since women were awarded Oxford degrees.     of tweed.  was founded by a group of DPhil students. The aim
 Women had studied at Oxford since the 1870s,   of our initiative is to celebrate and promote the work
 but were only admitted as full members of the   She had been a brilliant student   of women in chemistry, and encourage diversity and
 University in 1920.  Oxford Chemistry alumna   at Somerville, doing Part I in two   inclusion within the department. OxWiChem has three
 Judith Mirzoeff (St Hilda’s, 1956) remembers   years and getting a first. She was   main goals: to promote the research and achievements
 pioneering Oxford women chemists Muriel   made a fellow of St Hilda’s in 1946   of female chemists, to encourage an inclusive
 Tomlinson and Margaret Christie, and describes   and worked in the DP with Robert   community within in the department, and to highlight
 her own experience of studying chemistry at   Robinson, on indoles and carbazoles.   the array of career opportunities available to graduate
 Oxford in the 1950s.   She was the only woman there   chemists.
 at the time. We could not use her
 Exactly 60 years ago, I handed in my Part II thesis,   student text, Introduction to the   Our inaugural seminar saw the department’s own
 which did little to elucidate the decomposition of   Chemistry of Benzenoid Compounds, not published   Professor Dame Carol Robinson give an inspirational
 polythionates, and left Oxford.  until 1971 (and still listed by Amazon). Despite her   and motivating talk about her career to a brimming
 formidable aspect she was kind and helpful if students   audience! She captivated the audience by taking them
 I shall never forget the thrill of my first day four years   had family or financial problems.  OxWiChem representatives Kathryn Leslie and Daniella Cheang.
 earlier – freedom at last, even though we were still   through her unique career journey to academia, from   One of the ways OxWiChem have been celebrating
 minors and college rules were quite parental. Coming   We knew little of her outside interests, although I   leaving school at 16 to becoming the first female   the achievements of women in the department
 from a girls’ school I was used to clever women, but   remember her buying a handsome mahogany table for   Professor of Chemistry at Cambridge, and later   and highlighting varying career-paths, has been
 was nevertheless relieved that the other freshers in   her sitting room, and taking care of the strip of college   Oxford, and finally her current role as President of the   through our twitter profile series. In this series, we
 St Hilda’s were not too daunting. There were only a   garden edging the Cherwell. She was also said to drive   Royal Society of Chemistry.   feature profiles of women both currently working
 handful of girls in our chemistry year, perhaps 10% of   to the opera at Glyndebourne with her friend Helen   in the department or from part of our extensive
 the couple of hundred students. Our days were well   Gardner, the English don. They would find a handy barn   The OxWiChem inaugural seminar with Professor   alumni community. If you would like to read some
 defined, morning lectures, afternoons in the lab. One   on the way to Sussex where they could change into   Dame Carol Robinson.  of the profiles you can find them by searching
 elderly Fellow could be relied on to give women  A   their evening dresses.   #OxWiChemProfiles on twitter.
 grades for their practical work. I’m afraid we made sure
 to seek him out.  In 1958, St Hilda’s acquired an inorganic chemist   OxWiChem ultimately strives to form a supportive
 from Cambridge, the Scotswoman Margaret Christie.            community, therefore we would love to hear from our
 Laboratory work with my personal tutor, the   She was a gentle unflappable soul and it was with   alumni members, working across an array of sectors.
 redoubtable Dr Muriel Tomlinson, in the organic Dyson   her that I did my Part II. One afternoon, sucking up   If you are interested in taking part in our profile
 Perrins, was a different experience. She would stalk   25ml of copper sulphate solution into a pipette, I   series or other initiatives, please get in touch with
 the benches looking for sloppy practice and smeary   lost concentration and got a mouthful. I washed out   our President, Daniella Cheang, at our email address
 glassware. When the culprit, usually male, protested   the bitter taste and thought no more of it until I was   Since the inaugural seminar, we have coordinated
 that a flask was clean inside, “How do you know?”   very sick in the middle of the night. Such an accident   various events for the department, notably hosting
 she would retort. The only mistake of mine that went   would be impossible now, I imagine. I realised that   an IUPAC Global Women’s breakfast event for   If you would like to know more about us and
 uncorrected was a careless misspelling of phthalic acid   practical research was not for me and went off to edit   the academic, administrative, technical staff and   what we are doing, please visit our website
 throughout an essay.  abstracts and then became a science writer. I believe   undergraduate and postgraduate students. We have
 I was the only applicant for my first job, at the Zinc   forged strong links with chemical industry and recently
 Miss Tomlinson was a tall figure usually wearing a blue   Development Association (motto:Think Zinc). Touring   hosted a virtual interactive workshop on implicit bias,
 tweed suit (skirt not trousers then of course), with   the brilliant new integrated undergraduate labs last   run by Dr Rebecca Ruck, Executive Director of Process
 a pearl brooch on the lapel. She has related that she   year, many of us thought that we might like to start   Research and Development, Merck. Keen to promote a
 had been attracted to chemistry at school because   again and perhaps make different choices.  variety of chemical careers, OxWiChem will be hosting
 the word conjured up a delightful blue colour for her.   a panel of female scientists from Pfizer later this year.
 This colour-thinking or synesthesia is a rare condition,   Judith Mirzoeff (Topper) 1956-60

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 Periodic  The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry         The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry  Periodic
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