Page 13 - Periodic Issue 01
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hydrogen production and artificial photosynthesis (APS)
systems. An APS system must comprise the following key
components: a light harvesting material connected to mutli-
electron catalysts for the oxidation of water and its catalytic
conversion into fuels such as hydrogen or hydrocarbons (see
Figure 1). In addition to the construction of APS benchmark
systems, the Armstrong and Parkin groups are dedicated
to understanding the intricate mechanisms of catalytic
fuel generation, central to an APS device. Nature provides
the most efficient catalysts, including a group of enzymes
known as ‘hydrogenases’ (see Figure 2) which are capable
of producing hydrogen – a storable and energy rich fuel.
Furthermore, a subclass of these enzymes is capable of
Figure 1 – The principles of artificial photosynthesis utilizing hydrogen even in the presence of oxygen. Through
our research into the principles of this ‘oxygen tolerance’
A winning proposal for the prestigious Royal Society Summer – central to any APS system – we are learning how to
Science Exhibition 2013 is being exhibited by researchers genetically engineer oxygen tolerance, improving functionality.
from the Department of Chemistry, Oxford Botanic Garden,
and the Department of Chemistry at the University of York. We study such catalysts using a host of techniques,
The team is currently preparing their stand entitled ‘Solving including ‘protein film electrochemistry’. Prof. Fraser
the energy crisis – from ancient to future solar fuels,’ which Armstrong recently won the Royal Society Davy Medal for
will highlight cutting-edge research in an accessible way, pioneering this technique and we will be demonstrating how
engage the public with scientific exploration, and inspire the we use it at our exhibition stand.
next generation of chemists. Everyone from school children
to policy makers is welcome to visit the exhibition, and over
10,000 visitors are expected throughout the week.
4HE !RMSTRONG 'ROUP EXPLAINS Dr Rhiannon Evans (Oxford)
THE 3CIENCE BEHIND THE 3TAND Suzannah Hexter (DPhil Armstrong Group)
Andreas Bachmeier (DPhil Armstrong group)
The sun is an inexhaustible source of energy, providing Dr Alison Parkin (York)
enough hourly to meet the current annual demand. Dr Alison Foster (Botanic Garden)
Developing cheap, renewable, storable, and transportable Philippa Major (Oxford Research Facilitator)
energy supplies to replace fossil fuels is one of the most
important scientific and technological
challenges of our age. No artificial 6ISIT THE 3TAND
system developed thus far meets these 4HE SUMMER EXHIBITION TAKES PLACE AT THE
criteria. For a continuous energy supply 2OYAL 3OCIETY ,ONDON AND IS OPEN TO THE
we must be able to produce a storable PUBLIC FROM ST TH *ULY
fuel. Plants do this already through
biological photosynthesis, which uses &OR MORE INFORMATION
abundant water, sun light and carbon PLEASE VISIT WWW
dioxide. In fact, fossil fuels are the stored ROYALSOCIETY ORG
energy from ancient photosynthesis. We
therefore turn to Nature for inspiration.
If you are interested in supporting this
Ultimately, we want to exploit the chemical
principles of natural photosynthesis to project, we would be delighted to hear from
develop even more efficient artificial, Figure 2 – The structure of a you. Please contact
light-driven green-energy production. Our hydrogenase enzyme, one of
research does this through solar-driven the most efficient hydrogen
producing catalysts.
The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry