Page 15 - Periodic Issue 01
P. 15
Having spent nearly three decades
teaching chemistry, latterly becoming 5 pdates
head of two international colleges, I have
recently spent eight years completing a !LUMNI
2ELATIONS 0ROGRAMME BA and MA in Russian Studies at UCL,
where I am now conducting research in
memory of WW2 in the south of Russia
for a PhD. Although German was my 0AULINE #OWAN 3OMERVILLE In Memoriam
passion at Oxford, I became a Member Now Emeritus Professor Pauline Harrison
of the Chartered Institute of Linguists in CBE, University of Sheffield. Retired from $R 2AYMOND 7ILLIAMS
French about 30 years ago, and do most the Department of Molecular Biology and #"% ##HEM &23#
of my academic writing in my house in Biotechnology, University of Sheffield in Former director of the Scotland Yard
Normandy. I smile when I (occasionally) 1991. Forensic Science Laboratory, Dr
remember that I am a scientist as well as Raymond Williams was born in 1927
a linguist/anthropologist, particularly when *ULIE "ADDOCK NEE .EIL 7ADHAM and came up to St John’s as an open
applying the concept of entropy to the scholar in 1945. He went on to become
organisation of memory. Works for Tata Steel in North Wales, and a first-rate academic and important
is married to Howard Baddock. They have public servant. He died on 19 November
*OHN - /VERTON two children Zoe and Alex. 2012. He is survived by his wife Sylvia,
#ORPUS #HRISTI #OLLEGE whom he married in 1956, and their two
My one piece of news is that I was 3ARAH (ALL (ERTFORD #OLLEGE children.
ordained Deacon in the Church of After completing an MChem with
England, on 1st July 2012, at Derby Professor Peter Hore, Sarah went %LIZABETH #OLLINS (ARDSHIP &UND
Cathedral. My title has therefore changed on to work as an actuarial trainee at Elizabeth was a Chemistry student who
from “Mr.” to “Revd”. Having retired as Punter Southall. She is now a book tragically died on 4 July 2011. Her family
a UK and European Patent Attorney at commissioning editor for the Wiley is establishing a Hardship Fund in her
the end of August 2008, this marks a chemistry publishing team, where she name which will provide financial support
significant change in life! continues to work in partnership with the for gifted Chemistry undergraduates,
Department of Chemistry. Sarah was the ordinarily resident in the UK or USA, who
'RAHAM 7RIGHT "ALLIOL driving force behind Wiley’s sponsorship encounter unforeseen need. With your
I researched for my DPhil under the for the Department of Chemistry’s first support, we can establish this Fund in
supervision of Ronnie Bell (Balliol) in the annual Magazine in 2013. perpetuity, to be awarded annually by
Physical Chemistry Laboratory. After a the University. If you are interested in
Research Fellowship in Denmark, I joined 4HE 04#, BUILDS AN OBSERVATORY contributing to this fund, please contact
the Chemistry Department at the University AGAIN Lindsey Mepham in the University of
of Auckland, NZ, teaching Physical In 1982 the University Astronomical Oxford Development Office (lindsey.
Chemistry and researching in electrode Society decided to build an observatory
kinetics and other electrochemical topics. to house the substantial telescope that
I retired in 2000, after a career of 38 they already owned. The construction on 0LEASE CONTACT US WITH YOUR
years. Now at the age of 78, I follow Merton playing field was accomplished ALUMNI UPDATES n WE WOULD LOVE
the amazing developments in modern in 1987 with major help from chemists of
Chemistry on the internet, which was the time and staff of the PCL. Besides TO HEAR FROM YOU
invented just in time for me to become an Paul Leyland, chemists involved include %MAIL ALUMNI CHEM OX AC UK
enthusiastic participant! Olaf Kirchner, Ellen Lee, Kok Far Lee
and Gareth Morris. In the late 1990s the
3TEWART 'RAY "ALLIOL #OLLEGE observatory became unusable and was
My career was industrial and international abandoned until 2011 when the Society
- 35 years with Unilever, always in either under President Sara Lukic decided to
R&D or supply chain management. I was refurbish it. The work has now been
Chairman of the Board of Trustees at the completed with major help again from a
Society of Chemical Industry 2007-9 but PTCL team of John Adams, Phil Hurst and
am now fully retired and increasing time John Eland.
spent on bird watching, environmental
issues, travelling, and grand-daughters.
The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry