Page 12 - Periodic Issue 02
P. 12

Rainbows, Rapid Expansion

                                     and Renaissance Art

                                                                  SuperCool Show’ under T-Rex at The Natural History
                                                                  Museum as part of ‘Wow How’ for the Oxfordshire Science
                                                                  Festival. This was a huge success with a finale of eating
                                                                  liquid nitrogen ice cream under a spectacular thundercloud
                                                                  that demonstrates rapid expansion as the the liquid nitrogen
                                                                  evaporates, condensing the water vapour in the air.

                                                                  We collaborate with several departments and museums to
                                                                  provide a variety of exciting and stimulating events. Most
                                                                  recently we worked in partnership with The Ashmolean
                                                                  Museum, The Ruskin School of Art, The Museum of History
                                                                  of Science and Balliol College to introduce a 2-day Chemistry
                                                                  and Art course; Pigments and Perspective, for Yr9 students
                                                                  from schools with little or no history of sending students to
                                                                  Oxford. Students had the opportunity to prepare verdigris
                                                                  and malachite and use these along with other pigments to
                                                                  create their own paintings. They also looked at perspective
                                                                  by modelling organic molecules and through iconic pictures
                                                                  including The Hunt in the Forest by Paolo di Dono. “The
                                                                  pupils thoroughly enjoyed the activities and also the magic of
                                          Chemistry Outreach      Oxford University. The chance to see first-hand a university
                                          has established a       laboratory and carry out experiments having a practical
                                          diverse programme of    outcome has inspired the pupils to think more seriously about
                                          activities which aims to   science as a choice for university.” Teacher Highlands School
                                          raise aspirations and
                                          inspire students about   We are committed to delivering high quality outreach to
                                          Chemistry by providing   inspire a future generation of scientists and are constantly
             fun, educational events. We engage with approximately   adapting and enriching our programme of events. Future
             2,000 students over the course of an academic year and   plans include our aim to set up a Chemistry Teachers
             recent highlights have involved rainbows, thunderclouds and   Network which we envisage as an opportunity to share
             Renaissance art.                                     ideas and inform teachers of current research, and to further
                                                                  develop our Alchemist programme.
             The Rainbow Workshop has been developed in the
             Department to take out to schools by our student
             ambassadors, The Alchemists. School students investigate
             the density of liquids by constructing a rainbow of solutions
             in a test tube using sugar, water and food dye.

             The Alchemist programme invites Oxford chemists to train as
             volunteers to deliver a range of workshops to students from
             primary age to sixth form through school visits and public   More information on the wealth of activities and resources
             engagement events. “Absolutely fantastic, please thank them   we offer can be found on our website http://outreach.
             (The Alchemists) very much for coming down here. The and you can follow us on
             students loved it.” Teacher Reigate Grammar
             Along with workshops we also run Departmental tours, talks,
             residential courses and our ever popular demonstration   @ChemOutreachOxf
             lectures. This year the team were invited to deliver ‘The

                 Periodic       The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry
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