Page 3 - Periodic Issue 02
P. 3

N             ews & Achievements


             From Sir Robert Robertson’s chemical collection, to new   Professor David Clary has been elected
             ways to fight cancer, to strange materials whose future   Einstein Professor of the Chinese Academy
             functions we can’t even imagine, explore the cutting-edge   of Sciences. This award is made to
             research being done right now in the Department. Our   distinguished international scientists working
             “Chemistry for the Future” podcast series features the voices   at the frontiers of science and technology.
             of current students and academics and is growing all the
             time. Watch them online at                Professor Kylie Vincent and Holly Reeve were
                                                                              awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry’s
                       Join the conversation! @OxfordChemistry                Emerging Technologies Prize 2013 for their
                       has the most Twitter followers of any chemistry        research on ‘HydRegen’: enzymes on carbon
                       department worldwide and we’d love to chat with        beads for hydrogen-driven chemical synthesis.
                       you.                                                   Professor Vincent was also included in Wired
                                                                              Magazine’s Smart List for 2013.
             Senior Lab Demonstrator & Chief Technician Alan Howe
             retired in August 2013 after over 30 years in the Department.   Cell Stress Society International have presented the Alfred
             Thank you to Alan for his outstanding contributions to the   Tissières Award to Justin Benesch for his research into the
             student experience, and thank you to everyone who joined   biophysics underpinning molecular chaperone function. The
             us in celebrating his extraordinary achievements. To date,   award is named after one of the pioneers of the heat shock
             alumni have generously donated over £4,000 to the “Alan   and cell stress field, and includes a book describing the
             Howe Prize for Best Junior Demonstrator”, ensuring that   1954 British expedition to Rakopashi, an iconic peak in the
             it will be awarded in perpetuity and promote excellence in   Karakoram, that he led.
             the teaching labs. Alumni donations also support fantastic
             outreach and public engagement projects as detailed below   The Boxabio Team, with Dr. Tiancun Xiao representing Oxford
             and on page 12.                                      Chemistry, has been awarded the top prize in the China-
                                                                  UK Entrepreneurship Competition 2013. The team has
                                    What do giant rubber gloves,   developed a multi-vegetable based, natural functional food,
                                    gut bacteria, and artificial   which is effective for curing illness in the digestive system,
                                    photosynthesis have in common?  such as mouth ulcers, constipation, and heartburn.
                                    We are using all three to deliver
                                    public engagement projects    Dr Andrew Goodwin has been awarded
             highlighting the positive impacts Oxford Chemistry research is  the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Marlow
             having on global challenges like sustainable energy. In 2013,   Award for 2013, given annually in recognition
             the Armstrong Group’s “Solar Fuels” stand was selected to   of the most meritorious contributions to
             take part in the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition in   physical chemistry or chemical physics.
             London. The exhibition received over 12,500 visitors, many of  The citation for the award states: “awarded
             whom had a go on our replica glove box! We are also proud   for his innovative studies of the physical
             to be taking chemistry research into the local community,   chemistry and chemical physics of
             from wowing kids with glowing experiments at the Oxford   amorphous materials”.
             Christmas Lights Festival, to celebrating crystallography at the
             Oxford Botanic Garden.                               Acknowledgments
                                                                                 Thank You to Elsevier for their kind
             A Small Selection of Awards                                         sponsorship contribution to this magazine.
             Professor Peter Edwards has been elected to the American            We are delighted to be working in
             Academy of Arts and Sciences as a Foreign Honorary                  partnership with Elsevier and look forward to
             Member for 2014. One of America’s most prestigious                  future collaborations. Thank you also to the
             honorary societies, the Academy is also a leading centre for        Oxford University Press for their generous
             independent policy research.                                        gift-in-kind to the magazine.

             In 2014 the University of Salamanca conferred the degree DR   News, awards, research highlights,
             HONORIS CAUSA on Professor Steve Davies. The University   publications, featured lectures, and prizes at all levels are
             of Salamanca is one of the oldest universities in the world and   updated daily on the Department website:
             only awards three honorary doctorates per year - Professor
             Davies is only the third chemist to receive this award.
                                                               The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry
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