Page 5 - Periodic Issue 02
P. 5

C                                              International Year of


             By Andrew Bissette, Fletcher Group @_byronmiller

             2014 is the International                            1929 and went on to become the Head of the Chemical
             Year of Crystallography,                             Crystallography Laboratory. Nor did it end with her Nobel
             organised by UNESCO and                              Prize: today, X-ray crystallography continues to be a vital
             the International Union of                           discipline for chemists in Oxford.
             Crystallography to mark the
             100th anniversary of X-ray                           Research groups use X-ray crystallography to tackle the
             crystallography. Scientists                          challenges facing the world in the 21st century, including
             around the world are working                         healthcare, renewable energy and the environment. The
             to promote education and                             chemical crystallography centre produces internationally-
             research in crystallography                          recognised research in addition to providing a state-
             and to inspire young people.  A three dimensional map   of-the-art X-ray diffraction service to researchers in the
                                        of part of one of the crystal   Department. In recent years the centre has contributed
             X-ray crystallography has   salts of penicillin, based on   to diverse research projects ranging from crystallographic
             a long and distinguished   X-ray crystallography work by   methodology to probing the fundamentals of chirality and
             history at the University of   Dorothy Hodgkin. [Museum of   characterising novel supramolecular assemblies.
                                        History of Science, Oxford]
             Oxford. Indeed, this year
             marks the 50th anniversary                           To celebrate the International Year of Crystallography there
             of Oxford chemist Dorothy                            will be events throughout the year in and around Oxford.
             Crowfoot Hodgkin’s receipt                           Already, the Diamond Light Source has opened its doors
             of the Nobel Prize for work                          to the public, and Oxford researchers participated in the
             elucidating the structures                           Big Bang Science Fair in Birmingham. On the 6th of May
             of penicillin and vitamin                            a new Royal Society of Chemistry plaque commemorating
             B12. This groundbreaking                             Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin was installed in the Inorganic
             research demonstrated the                            Chemistry building.
             power and importance of
             X-ray crystallography for                              Pushing the frontiers of the crystallographic technique
             chemists: aside from her                               has a rich history at Oxford that continues today.
             pioneering work on the                                 Some of the first neutron diffraction experiments in the
             structure of macromolecules,                           UK by Oxford Chemistry helped unlock the layered
             her structure of penicillin                            structure of the lithium battery material LiCoO —so
             resolved a long-standing   One of the interests in the   ushering in the mobile technology age. A strong ethos
             problem which tripped      Goodwin Group is “order within   of combining synthesis, novel experiment design, and
             up even the great Robert   disorder”: the concept that   development of new analysis methods persists within
             Robinson, who like many    within an ostensibly ordered   the department.
                                        material, correlated disorder
             favoured an incorrect      can give rise to useful functional
             thiazolidine-oxazolone     behaviour. This disorder might
             structure over the actual   also form its own patterns   Techniques have advanced rapidly over the past 50
             ß-lactam structure.        — something that can be     years, and today X-ray crystallography is a routine
                                        seen using crystallographic
                                        measurements. In these      technique using sophisticated software to automate
             The history of X-ray       images we see a square-like   data collection and processing. Even non-specialists
             crystallography in Oxford   arrangement of connected “T”   can be trained to rapidly produce high-quality
             did not begin with Dorothy   linkers. Each unit is connected   structures. The software package CRYSTALS
                                        to three others, but there is
             Hodgkin, but with her      no long-range periodicity in   (developed in-house at the Department of Chemistry)
             supervisor Herbert Powell,   this arrangement — it is not   provides novice users with the expert decision-
             who was appointed the      “crystalline” in the conventional   making tools required for undertaking unsupervised
             University’s first reader in   sense.                  structure determination.
             Chemical Crystallography in   Image credit: Andrew Cairns

                                                               The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry
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