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L         etter from the Head of Department

                                Professor Mark Brouard

                                     I am delighted to introduce   They have the promise to make a real impact in a wide range of
                                     the fourth edition of Periodic   fields from manufacturing and industrial processing, diagnosis and
                                     and to thank its creator Tim   treatment of disease, and drug discovery.  Our many collaborations
                                     Softley, my predecessor as Head   with industrial partners have also flourished; the Oxford-SCG
                                     of Department and now Pro-  Centre of Excellence alone has filed 30 patents since its launch in
                                     Vice Chancellor for Research   2012 and accounted for 12% of the University’s new Intellectual
                                     and Knowledge Transfer at   Property over the year 2014/15.   Such collaboration enables
                                     the University of Birmingham.   fundamental research to link with the key challenges faced by
                                     One of the most significant   industry, and accelerates the pace of innovative development, to the
                                     achievements of Tim’s leadership   benefit of all partners and stakeholders.  We are always open to the
                                     was to help us become more   idea of new collaborative partnerships and have recently launched a
             connected and outward-looking.   I intend to continue his efforts   new industry-facing website and newsletter.
             and to strengthen and maintain the world-leading position that
             enables us to attract the very best and brightest students and   2016 is also a year of significant anniversaries – the Physical and
             researchers.                                       Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory has reached the grand age of 75,
                                                                and we celebrate the centenary of the Dyson Perrins Laboratory.
             My first year as Head of Department has been tremendously   Named after C W Dyson Perrins (heir to the Lea and Perrins
             busy and exciting.  I congratulate my colleagues on their many   Worcester Sauce empire) whose generous benefaction enabled
             achievements, both individual and collective, that contribute to   its construction, the Dyson Perrins Laboratory is now a listed
             the Department’s continuing success and help make it a better   building. The motivational inscription ‘ALCHYMISTA SPEM
             place to work and study.  I am pleased to report that our work   ALIT AETERNAM’ (‘chemistry offers eternal hope’) on its wall
             to address gender inequality in science has been recognised   seems particularly apt – this remarkable lab produced research
             with a Silver Athena SWAN Award, and that our Green Impact   that shaped organic chemistry throughout the 20th Century.
             Team has achieved Gold in a national scheme to promote   The centenary celebrations provided a wonderful opportunity to
             sustainability.  As Chemistry becomes increasingly unified I am   reconnect and form new friendships with our diverse community
             delighted to announce two new appointments that strengthen our   of alumni and I would like to thank all those of you who support
             senior management team and reinforce the core activities of the   the Department in so many ways, providing advice and guidance,
             Department: Nick Green has become Associate Head for Teaching   giving financial support or participating in events.
             and Tom Brown is Associate Head for Research.  I also extend a
             warm welcome to Professor Charlotte Williams, who joins us from   I look forward to meeting many of you again in the New Year,
             Imperial College London.                           when we will mark 100 years since the completion of the first Part
                                                                II, an innovation unique to Oxford Chemistry in that it enables
             Promoting excellence in teaching and research has been, and will   final year undergraduates to undertake a whole year of cutting-
             remain the cornerstone of the Department’s strategy over the   edge research in a field of their choice. As a former undergraduate
             coming years. It has been exciting to see our success in the 2014   chemist in the Department, I know first-hand how informative
             Research Excellence Framework exercise followed-up by numerous   the experience of the Part II year can be, and I will certainly never
             individual achievements and awards, both for teaching and   forget my Part II viva in front of nine examiners.
             research, and it is a privilege to be the head of a department so full
             of exciting and creative colleagues, students, and researchers. The   For our future undergraduates, work on our new teaching
             year has seen record levels of research income, and a huge range of   laboratories began in spring and continues apace.  Scheduled for
             outstanding research published in the best scientific journals. Some   completion in October 2018, they will provide our students with
             of the highlights from the year provide the focus of articles in this   a purpose-built, fully-integrated facility suited to 21st Century
             edition of Periodic.                               chemistry.  Thanks to the generosity of our alumni and supporters,
                                                                the labs are being kitted out with state-of-the-art equipment that
             This year the spin-out companies established by our chemists have   will enable us to educate the first-class scientists of the future.
             continued to succeed and thrive and new ones have been launched.

               On the Cover
               ‘Little planet’ 360   view of the 100-year-old Dyson Perrins Laboratory and opposite, the Chemistry Research Laboratory on South Parks Road,
               Oxford.  Photograph by Dr Karl Harrison.

                 Periodic       The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry
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