Page 5 - Periodic Issue 04
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                            elebrating the 90th birthday

                            of Professor Sir John Rowlinson FRS

                                          Professor Sir John Rowlinson was appointed Dr Lee’s   Books
                                          Professor of Chemistry in 1974, a position he held
                                          until his retirement in 1993.  A distinguished physical   Cohesion: a scientific history of
                                          chemist and theoretician, his profound and widely   intermolecular forces, Cambridge
                                          influential contributions to the chemical sciences   University Press 2005. ISBN:
                                          were recognised in 2000 when he was knighted for   9780521673556.
                                          services to chemistry, chemical engineering, and   Molecular Theory of Capillarity
                                          education.   Professor Rowlinson also has a long-  (with B Widom)
                                          standing interest in the history of science.   In 2008 he   Dover Publications Inc., 2003.
                                          received the ACS Edelstein Award  for “the breadth   ISBN: 978-0486425443
                                          and quality of his research publications in the history   Chemistry at Oxford: A History
                                          of physical chemistry and his contributions over the   from 1600 to 2005. (Editor, with
                                          last three decades to the development of the history   RJP Williams)
                                          of chemistry at the University of Oxford.”  A selection   Royal Society of Chemistry 2008.
                                        of his most important publications is given opposite,   ISBN: 978-0854041398
             and you can read his online account of some of the history of the Physical and Theoretical   Journal articles
             Chemistry Laboratory at Oxford at
                                                                                      A molecular dynamics study of
             Described by one of his colleagues as “an enormously distinguished scholar, yet also a perfect   liquid drops
             gentleman, who pivotally shaped Physical Chemistry at Oxford for over two decades”,   Thompson, S. M.; Gubbins, K. E.;
             Professor Rowlinson remains an active researcher, and is in fact to be found in the PTCL   Walton, J. P. R. B.; Chantry, R.
             most days.                                                               A. R.; Rowlinson, J. S.  Journal of
             We congratulate Sir John warmly on having reached the milestone of his 90th birthday in   Chemical Physics (1984), 81(1),
             May, and wish him many happy returns!                                    530-42.

                75 Years of the PTCL

                The Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, where
                Professor Rowlinson spent much of his working life, is 75 years
                old.  Completed during WW2, from 1941-44 two chemists
                slept there every night as firewatchers in case the building was
                bombed.  No bombs ever fell on Oxford, although they were
                sometimes to be heard not far away.
                Originally the Physical Chemistry Laboratory, this building
                has been home to many illustrious chemists. It was built
                under the then Dr Lee’s Professor, Sir Cyril Hinshelwood,
                whose work with Nicolay Semenov on the mechanisms of
                chemical reactions led to the award of a Nobel Prize in 1956.
                Hinshelwood’s successor, Sir Rex Richards, distinguished for   has the distinction of having been the first female Professor of
                his work on nuclear magnetic resonance, would later become   Chemistry at both Oxford and Cambridge universities.
                University Vice-Chancellor.  Kineticist Sir (later Lord)
                Frederick Dainton then held the post until John Rowlinson   Professor Rowlinson inspires great loyalty and dedication in
                took over the reins in 1974.                      all that work with him, a feature that survives in the PTCL to
                                                                  this day. Charlie Jones retired in 2015 after 49 years of service
                Since Professor Rowlinson, the Dr Lee’s Chair has been held by   in the mechanical workshop and six current members of the
                Professors John Simons (1993), and Jacob Klein (2000).  The   PTCL support staff, all of whom who started in Professor
                current Dr Lee’s Professor, Dame Carol Robinson, is renowned   Rowlinson’s time, have each worked in the PTCL for more
                for her pioneering use of protein mass spectrometry.  She also   than 30 years.

                                                               The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry
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