Page 11 - PERIODIC Magazine Issue 6
P. 11

                 Making       ght work

                 of weighing


                 Professor Philipp Kukura, Professor Justin Benesch and colleagues have
                 developed a new method of weighing single molecules, through using
                 light. This microscopy technique can also be used to follow the molecular
                 dynamics of molecules in solution in real time, such as monitoring protein

                 complexes as they form.

                 Mass spectrometry is a powerful method that has been   glycosylated proteins and lipoproteins. In addition,
                 used by chemists for decades to deduce the mass (or   iSCAMS allows molecular dynamics to be observed,
                 more accurately, the mass to charge ratio) of molecules   such as how two protein units join together.
                 present in a system. Translating gas phase mass
                 spectrometry to the solution phase, and in particular   One of the initial problems with the technology was that
                 reaching single molecule sensitivity, however, has been   the quality of the technique was insufficient to compete
                 extremely challenging.                            with currently available methods that observe molecules
                                                                   through fluorescence. The researchers at Oxford
                 Essentially all optical single molecule techniques rely   University therefore developed a method to selectively
                 on fluorescence, which involves the emission of light   suppress the background signal (i.e. the light observed
                 from a molecule after being excited by electromagnetic   from sources that aren’t protein molecules) without
                 radiation. Not all molecules are fluorescent, however, so   interfering with the molecular signal. This change led to
                 recent efforts have concentrated on the development of   the development of an imaging technology with a high
                 more universally applicable methods.              enough mass resolution, accuracy and precision to be
                                                                   applicable to life sciences and eventually diagnostics.
                 The newly developed technique, interferometric
                 scattering mass spectrometry (iSCAMS), is an optimised
                 form of light microscopy whereby the light scattered
                 by a single protein can be measured. It works on the
                 basis that proteins are all made up of the same subunits
                 (amino acids), which are all roughly of the same density
                 and have similar masses. A protein with twice as many
                 amino acids will therefore produce twice the scattering
                 signal when detected interferometrically; through this
                 technique it is possible to measure the mass of single   Arago Biosciences, a spinout company born from the
                 protein molecules to within 2% of their true masses.   research carried out by the Kukura group, was formed
                                                                   this year to give other scientists and businesses access to
                 “The scattering signal observed is proportional to the   this new technology. Arago offers the detection, imaging
                 polarisability of the molecule and therefore the number   and quantification of single molecules, without using any
                 of amino acids present,” Professor Kukura explains.   labels or matrices, using small instruments that are close
                 “The greater the number of amino acids present in the   to shoeboxes in size - yet another example of Oxford’s
                 protein, the greater the scattering of light observed.”   research being made available to all that require it.
                 This technique has thus far been used to weigh and
                 image a range of biomolecules, including polypeptides,

                                                               The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry
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