Page 17 - PERIODIC Magazine Issue 7
P. 17

O        xICFM – a new Centre

                    for Doctoral Training

                Laboratory work for the DPhil in Inorganic Chemistry

              As we celebrate the International Year of the Periodic   throughout the substantive research phase, the training
              Table in 2019, we are delighted to announce the   programme will be relevant to a range of different
              establishment of a new multi-disciplinary doctoral   business sectors and sizes.
              training programme in inorganic chemical synthesis.  The
              Oxford Inorganic Chemistry for Future Manufacturing   Beginning in Michaelmas 2019, students will take six
              Centre for Doctoral Training (OxICFM CDT) is a new   months of taught courses during the first year, followed
              £10.4m EPSRC-funded centre focused on training the   by a substantive research project in their particular
              next generation of graduate chemists.           field of interest. Training modules will involve lectures,
                                                              problem classes, tutorials, site visits and advanced
                                  The centre aims to equip    practical components. Students will also take an
                                  and enable future scientists   advanced laboratory course together with a week-long
                                  to address critical societal   project looking at scale up and chemical engineering.
                                  challenges, from building   There will also be modules focussing on professional
                                  better batteries to designing   skills and responsible research and innovation, as well
                                  effective catalysts. The    as an annual summer school encompassing outreach
                                  OxICFM CDT will work        training and research presentations.
                                  across the entire breadth of
                                  the periodic table, offering   Professor Simon
                                  cutting-edge research projects   Aldridge, Director of the
              encompassing the majority of the isolable elements.    OxICFM CDT, explains: “Our
                                                              CDT brings together over
              Based in the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory in the   40 academics, ten industrial
              Department of Chemistry, OxICFM is led by a team of   partners (spanning diverse size
              senior inorganic chemists who have brought together   ranges and business sectors),
              over 40 academics from a range of disciplines –   and seventeen international
              including materials, physics and engineering – to offer   centres of excellence in
              postgraduate students a comprehensive four-year   synthetic inorganic chemistry
              course.                                         (including collaborators at MIT, Berkeley and ETH).
                                                              Our programme will help address a national need
              Alongside them, the CDT has partnered with eight   for resilience and growth in this sector, and we look
              companies and two national facilities to provide a broad-  forward to developing the next generation of world-class
              based, integrated training package. By embedding a   researchers in synthetic inorganic
              strong industrial component into the taught elements and  chemistry.”

                                                               Twitter: @OxICFM
                                                          The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry
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