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 Jack        aldwin   Professor Sir Jack Baldwin FRS.  fermentation — led him further into the field of   Elected fellow of the Royal Society in 1986, Professor
                                                              Day’s RS biography describes him as ‘a pioneer
            biomimetic synthesis. His favoured approach for
            building complex multi-ring structures was to try to   of materials chemistry, seeking unusual physical
 (1938 – 2020)
            mimic nature’s strategy of making a relatively simple   properties in inorganic and metal–organic compounds
 Organic chemist whose rules aided    After four years on the   linear framework that is predisposed to react to give   and models to explain them. He played a major role
 the synthesis of natural products.   staff at Imperial College,   multiple rings in a single step. The ‘molecules from   in the development of mixed-valence chemistry, and
 Baldwin spent more than   Mars’ he made using this approach included unusual   carried out important and elegant experimental and
 Georgina Ferry  a decade in the United   alkaloids derived from marine sponges and rare   theoretical work on the spectra, magnetic properties
 States, working first   rainforest plants.                   and conductivity of solid, inorganic complexes’.
 “Chemistry,” Jack Baldwin once said in his direct way,   at Pennsylvania State University in State College and
 “is about making forms of matter that have never   then at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology   Baldwin had little time for the academic conventions   Day was born on 20 August 1938 in East Malling,
 existed.” Baldwin was best known for formulating a set   (MIT) in Cambridge. With an able young team and the   of Oxford: he spoke his mind, and could seem   Kent, and educated at Maidstone Grammar School.
 of rules that predict how likely it is that atoms (mostly   latest instruments, his MIT period was particularly   pugnacious in scientific debate. But his forceful   He was an undergraduate and then a DPhil student
 carbon) in a synthesis will link into rings, a structural   productive. To develop a detailed picture of how   leadership style belied a generosity in his treatment   in Chemistry at Wadham College and completed a
 feature of many biological molecules and drugs.   atoms arrange themselves during organic reactions,   of junior colleagues. Wholly committed to research,   doctoral thesis entitled “Light induced charge transfer
 Published in just three pages (with a one-sentence   he combined theoretical and geometric considerations   he never sought seats on prestigious committees,   in solids” under the supervision of Bob Williams in
 abstract) in 1976 (J. E. Baldwin J. Chem. Soc. Chem.   with structural information. His team obtained this   although his distinction brought many honours,   1965. During his time at Oxford he was a Junior
 Commun. 734–736; 1976), Baldwin’s rules have been   using techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance   including a knighthood in 1997. He developed links   Research Fellow (1963-65) at St John’s College, and
 fundamental to organic synthesis in the pharmaceutical   and X-ray crystallography. At MIT, he created a class   with the chemical industry and championed its role in   then Official Fellow and Tutor in Inorganic Chemistry
 and agrochemical industries, and to understanding   of biomimetic molecule that reversibly binds oxygen   society, encouraging his students to pursue industrial   (1965-88) at St John’s and a University Lecturer.
 biology from a chemical perspective. He died on 4   when complexed with iron, just as haemoglobin does in   careers. Aside from science, he enjoyed good food,   During this time he and his colleague Tony Cheetham
 January, aged 81.  fine wine, powerful motorbikes, fast cars and his dogs.
 the blood, and formulated his rules for ring formation.      co-edited what became a standard undergraduate
 It was also where he met his future wife, Christine   After he retired in 2005, he continued to co-author   text book on solid-state chemistry.
 His passions also encompassed finding out how nature   Franchi, who built a career in academic publishing.  publications until just months before his death.
 makes chemicals that researchers cannot. This led            Having become a leading advocate for the use of
 him to ‘biomimetic’ synthesis: using the principles of   In 1978, Baldwin was recruited to head the Dyson   Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature Customer Service   neutron scattering in chemistry he took up the
 nature to improve the generation of biomolecules in   Perrins Laboratory at the University of Oxford, UK.   Centre GmbH: Springer Nature.  Nature (Nature 578, 212 (2020)   Directorship of the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble
 the laboratory. He particularly relished the challenge   As only the fourth person to hold the chair in organic   doi: 10.1038/d41586-020-00357-1.  Jack Baldwin (1938–2020),   in 1988, returning to the UK in 1991 as the Director
 of ‘molecules from Mars’, his term for natural products   chemistry since the laboratory opened in 1916, he   Georgina Ferry, Feb 7, 2020.  of the Royal Institution of Great Britain where he was
 whose biosynthesis was baffling.  transformed his discipline at Oxford, in terms of both   the Fullerian Professor of Chemistry.  He retired from
 scientific ambition and equipment. Baldwin brought           the Royal Institution in 1998 and in the years since
 Baldwin’s interest in rings led him to study antibiotics   with him researchers from his internationally diverse   2008 was Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at the
 that contain a -lactam ring, the best known of which   lab at MIT, and continued to recruit people with a wide   P  University of London.
 is penicillin. He worked initially with Edward Abraham,   range of backgrounds.            rofessor
 who had been part of the team that developed                 Day received numerous awards from learned societies
 penicillin and who went on to reveal the activity of   Many of his students, who knew him as ‘J.E.B.’, went   Peter Day FRS  around the world; in 2008 The Royal Society of
 broad-spectrum antibiotics known as cephalosporins.   on to lead research all over the world. The output of   (1938 – 2020)   Chemistry honoured him by inaugurating the Peter
 Baldwin uncovered the mechanistic basis of the   his lab was prodigious: he is an author on at least 700      Day award in Materials Chemistry, reflecting his
 enzyme action that catalyses the formation of the two   papers. In 1988, he became the founding director of   The Department was sad to announce the death   championing of this discipline.
 rings at the heart of the penicillin molecule. Others   the Oxford Centre for Molecular Sciences, which he   of Professor Peter Day FRS. Professor Day’s major   In retirement, Day and his wife Frances divided their
 have since found that related enzymes are involved in   headed for 10 years. The centre helped to link physical   contributions included systematising and rationalising   time between Oxford and their home in Roussillon in
 many biological processes, including how the human   and biological sciences in Oxford.  the properties of inorganic mixed-valence compounds   south-west France.  In 2012 he published a memoir
 body responds to low levels of oxygen.  (The Robin-Day
 AI designs organic syntheses        classification), and in the   On the Cucumber Tree, full of fascinating anecdotes
 Baldwin was born in London, and studied chemistry   The pioneering role of Oxford scientists in the   synthesis of numerous   about his life and career.  He died at his home in Marsh
                                                              Baldon in Oxfordshire on 19 May 2020 at the age
 at Imperial College London, where he also did a PhD.   extraction, testing and structural analysis of penicillin   and diverse complex   of 81 and is survived by his two children, Alison and
 He was supervised by Derek Barton, a pioneer of   during the 1940s inspired Baldwin’s extensive   solids in the search for   Christopher, and five grandchildren.  He will be sadly
 conformational analysis — the idea that the reactivity   work on trying to make the drug from scratch. His   unusual magnetic and   missed by many around the world.
 of a molecule could predict its preferred 3D shape   respect for the optimally efficient process by which   electronic materials
 — who later won a Nobel prize. Barton had a major   microbes produce the molecule — even now, most   properties.
 impact on Baldwin’s career.  penicillin antibiotics continue to be produced through
                Professor Peter Day FRS.

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 Periodic  The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry         The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry  Periodic
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