Page 9 - Periodic ISSUE 8
P. 9

N  ew Research continued  N  ew Research continued

 Benesch Group  Timmel Group

 Unravelling protein origins  Imaging magnetic field effects

            A collaborative study between the Timmel, Aarts, and
 The Benesch group, working alongside researchers from  they found that just two changes to the structure of
 the Universities of Chicago, Nebraska, and Texas A&M,   an ancestral protein led to both the formation of the   Mackenzie groups has demonstrated for the first time
 have demonstrated that the structures responsible for   four-part complex and the optimisation of its oxygen-  the use of confocal microscopy to investigate the
 specialised functions of complex proteins can come   binding ability.  magnetic field sensitivity of chemical reactions.
 about via surprisingly simple mechanisms.
 A traditional view of evolution says that complexity in   Confocal microscopy is an optical imaging technique
 The evolution of proteins that perform all the   nature comes about through many successive small   that blocks out-of-focus light, allowing a thin
 specialised functions in our bodies is one of the biggest   mutations with gradual improvements in  function –   plane containing the fluorophore of interest to be
 puzzles in biology. Haemoglobin – responsible for   this study showed that, on a molecular level, a couple   distinguished from that of the surroundings.
 oxygen transport in blood – is made of four protein   of simple mutations sometimes lead very quickly to
 sub-units that form the vital oxygen-carrying complex.  complex behaviour.  The technique was used to observe magnetic field
            effects (MFEs) both in solution and in single crystals.
            The systems were irradiated to form excited states
 In the collaborative study, published in Nature, the   Reference: Pillai, A. S. et al., Nature 581 (2020) 480–485
 researchers identified the “missing link” that explains   (  that can quickly undergo electron transfer to produce
 how haemoglobin’s remarkable oxygen-transport   radicals: chemical species containing unpaired electrons.
 abilities evolved. By reconstructing ancient proteins,   The excited state can also fluoresce to reform the initial
            state, and it is this fluorescence that is observed using
            confocal microscopy.                              Variation in percentage magnetic field effect (MFE) in a
                                                              flavin-doped lysozyme crystal in synchrony with magnetic field
 The collaborative study traced the   How does a magnetic field affect this process? The   steps between 0 mT (red) and 16 mT (blue).
 evolutionary roots of haemoglobin’s   radicals formed carry an unpaired electron (have non-
 structure and function.  zero spin) which is associated with a non-zero magnetic

            moment. This magnetic moment in turn interacts with   differences in response when the field was applied
            an applied magnetic field. The direction and intensity   parallel or perpendicular to a single crystal of tetracene,
            of this field can affect the products formed from these   a molecular organic semiconductor.
            radical states, and thereby affect the fluorescence   An exciting application of this work will be to test the
            intensity for the photochemical cycle.
                                                              directional magnetic sensitivity of immobilised samples
            In the team’s experiments a weak magnetic field was   of cryptochrome, a blue-light sensitive protein that is
            repeatedly switched on or off, and step changes in the   thought to be crucial in the mechanism by which birds
            intensity of fluorescence were observed at coincident   detect the direction of the Earth’s magnetic field when
            times, providing clear evidence for the magnetic field   they migrate.
            sensitivity of the reaction in the imaged solution or   Victoire Déjean, DPhil student in the Timmel group,
            crystal. The main aim of the work was to explore the   said that “this paper is the first big achievement of a
            potential of confocal microscopy to investigate spatially   fantastic collaboration between three research groups.
            resolved MFEs, with possible applications including   I am very excited about the new avenues of research
            investigating the effects of magnetic fields on light-  it opens up, especially regarding our goal to show that
            induced processes in living tissues or in synthetic   cryptochromes, the blue light photosensitive proteins
            materials and devices.
                                                              found in birds’ retinae, can act as chemical compasses.”
            As well as viewing the effect of the magnetic field   Reference: Déjean, V. et al., Chemical Science 11 (2020)
            on diffusing flavin molecules in a single crystal of a   7772–7781 (
            small protein, they were able to observe directional

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