Page 14 - Periodic Issue 04
P. 14

O           xford Chemists Inspire a New Generation of Young Scientists

                 Celebrating our Student Ambassadors

                 The Department offers a wide range of outreach activities   efforts to raise the aspirations of school students and inspire
                 and our programme of events continues to grow to engage   the next generation of young scientists.  Congratulations to
                 with students and their key influencers throughout the   Robert Rossiter, our Undergraduate Student Ambassador
                 student lifecycle from Primary Science Days to courses that   of the Year.  Robert trained as an ambassador whilst a third
                 bridge the gap between school and university with a packed   year undergraduate and has delivered workshops to over
                 programme of events, practical activities and residential   10 schools and assisted in further developing the RSC
                 course.                                            Spectroscopy workshop, ‘Rob did a great job of introducing
                                                                    the problem solving activity and gave an excellent review of the
                 We are delighted to be one of the host institutions for the
                 Royal Society of Chemistry’s Spectroscopy in a Suitcase   techniques. He was saying that he is thinking about teaching
                 Project which involves us taking out hands-on workshops   as a career - he certainly showed the skills needed and tell him
                 to schools. To support our efforts we train a number of   to apply to here if a job comes up.’ - Chemistry Teacher, New
                 our undergraduate and postgraduate students as Oxford   College, Swindon. Rob graduates this year and will begin
                 Chemistry Ambassadors to deliver a range of our activities   teacher training  – we wish him well.
                 and have introduced bespoke training for several of our   One of the areas we are aiming to develop further in
                 graduate training programmes. This has resulted in further   outreach is our provision for Teachers and further support
                 development of our outreach activities to include balloon   of our excellent ambassador programme. If you would like
                 modelling VSEPR and forensics activities to take out to   further information on any of our schools outreach efforts
                 schools as well as interactive tours of our research labs. The   please contact our Schools Liasion & Access Officer, Jayne
                 latter has been delivered as part of Teacher CPD sessions   Shaw
                 with the aim of enriching the science curriculum in schools
                 allowing teachers the opportunity to enthuse the next
                 generation about current research in the department.

                 This year we held our Inaugural Student Ambassador
                 Celebration, supported by Shimadzu, to recognise the
                 contribution our excellent ambassadors make towards our       OutreachChemistryDepartment

                 Periodic       The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry
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