Page 16 - Periodic Issue 04
P. 16

N            ew Teaching Laboratories

                                 for Undergraduate Students

                                 As we celebrate 100 years of the Dyson Perrins Laboratory and
                                 the Part II, we look forward to the next hundred years - with
                                 new  undergraduate teaching laboratories designed for 21st
                                 century chemistry.

                                                                                                                       Pictures courtesy of architects   Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp

                 Work on our new undergraduate teaching laboratories   Consolidating the three teaching laboratories into one
                 began in spring and continues apace.  Situated between   single state-of-the-art facility will enable us to overhaul
                 Mansfield and St Cross roads and designed by architects   the curriculum for undergraduates and to offer a fully-
                 Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp, the new laboratories will   integrated practical course by October 2018.   Skills courses
                 form an addition to the stepped structure of the existing   delivered at the start of the first and second year will equip
                 Tinbergen Building, overlooking the University Club’s
                 playing fields.  They will bring together practical teaching in
                 organic, inorganic and physical chemistry for the first time,
                 enabling cutting-edge new interdisciplinary experiments
                 that mirror the collaborative nature of our research

                 The new laboratories will accommodate 200 students
                 over two floors and will include synthetic labs with a full
                 complement of fume hoods (including height adjustable
                 workstations for students with disabilities), a state-of-
                 the-art analytical instrumentation suite, write-up areas,
                 prep rooms, and a student social hub.  The social hub will
                 provide students with their own dedicated space within
                 the department, and together with the new write-up areas
                 we hope to encourage students to stay and write up their
                 experiments within the department rather than returning
                 to their colleges.

                 Periodic       The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry
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