Page 22 - PERIODIC Magazine Issue 5
P. 22

Ta            les of the Part II

                  In June we celebrated a century of the Part II year by having a special
                  celebration for this year’s cohort. Thank you very much to our alumni who
                  shared their stories of this formative experience, ranging from romance to
                  health and safety horrors, and some words of wisdom.

                  Ronald J Clarke (Keble 1937)
                  Aged now 97, I write in response to your interest in past
                  Part II experiences.  Now difficult to comprehend, no
                  choice of subject matter was offered in the wartime years
                  of 1940-41.  I was instructed to work on a research project
                  in arsenical blister gases in the Dyson Perrins Laboratory.
                  It was believed that Hitler might well use various types of
                  toxic gases, which fortunately never occurred, though I
                  could never avoid some hand blisters in my work!  I was
                  supervised by Dr Parkes and overall by the distinguished   and studied theology to become a Baptist Minister, but
                  Prof. Robert Robinson.  It was not a particularly attractive   the Geology job helped me financially.  My Part II went
                  piece of research, but was, however, carried on by Basil   very well, otherwise I would never have had the chance
                  Thewlis and published in a joint paper around 1947.  This   of a doctorate, and it was during this period that I fell in
                  work, along with the splendid tutorial system at Oxford,   love and became engaged to my present wife.  I grew one
                  helped me greatly in developing initiative and critical   particularly large yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG), too big
                  thinking.  My subsequent industrial life was largely in food   for our experiments, and I had this stone cut and set for her
                  research, much in the fascinating area of instant coffee.  In   engagement ring.
                  retirement, I wrote and co-edited numerous articles on the
                  subject of coffee in all respects.
                                                                   Nick Fisher (Magdalen 1960)
                                                                   In all the well-deserved celebrations of the Oxford
                  Michael Ball  (Brasenose 1956)                   Chemistry Part II as a unique grounding in research
                  I did my Part II working with Dr Geoff Garton, preparing   experience, I hope the alternative of research in the history
                  synthetic garnets doped with various rare earth elements.    of chemistry for those who do not see themselves as
                  I was producing single crystals, and another student, Jim   laboratory chemists will not be forgotten. Many of Britain’s
                  Roberts, was making polycrystalline samples. On the day   foremost historians of science have entered the profession
                  of our vivas his was scheduled for the morning, mine for   through this portal. For me, the Radcliffe Science Library
                  the afternoon.  Jim came back and told us that he had been   was my laboratory, where I quickly found myself hooked
                  taken aback. The examiner, Mr Powell, (nicknamed Tiny)   on the intricacies of mid-nineteenth-century French
                  Reader in Crystallography, began by producing handfuls   organic chemistry, and I went on to have a very rewarding
                  of large natural garnet crystals which he presented to Jim,    career in the history of science, at first in Glasgow and
                  asking whether he made anything like them, and poor   latterly at the University of Aberdeen.
                  Jim was flummoxed. I went prepared with several tubes
                  of my crystals in my pockets, and when Tiny made the
                  same opening move, I responded with a firm “Yes”, and   Nick Vanston (Balliol 1960)
                  produced my crystals. The other examiners could hardly   J. M .Pratt was my supervisor and the topic was the
                  conceal their amusement. But Tiny never forgot me, and   trans-effect in cobalamins. One experiment involved
                  when the Professor of Geology needed someone to teach   measuring the IR spectrum of cobalamin in the presence
                  a 1st year course in Chemistry for geology students, Tiny   of various concentrations of cyanide ions. The complex is
                  remembered and recommended me after I had finished   very sensitive to visible light, so the measurements had to
                  my doctorate 3 years later.  I eventually changed course   be made in pitch darkness. This entailed returning to the

                 Periodic       The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry
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