Page 17 - PERIODIC Magazine Issue 5
P. 17

laser pulse is very short, on the order of femtoseconds, the   amongst the resulting fragments. Overall, it is hoped that this will
             resulting “Coulomb explosion” occurs before the structure of the   allow for a deeper understanding of the intricate details behind
             molecule changes in response to the lost electrons. The original   photocatalytic reactions, and perhaps allow the development of
             molecular structure can be revealed by using the PImMS sensor   new catalysts that selectively produce socially- and industrially-
             to image and compare the momenta of each ionic fragment using   relevant chemicals through the use of light.
             a technique known as ion imaging. In collaboration with Henrik   The shared effort across the collaboration has pioneered
             Stapelfeldt and his group at Aarhus University in Denmark, the   new experiments, both within the United Kingdom and with
             Oxford team have used this technique to establish the structures   researchers based in Denmark, France, Germany, Russia,
             and chirality of several gas-phase molecules. Images from the   Canada, Sweden, and the United States. The new methods are
             PImMS sensor showing the atoms scattering from the Coulomb   being applied to a variety of chemical reactions and to investigate
             explosion of a substituted biphenyl molecule are shown on the   fundamental physical phenomena such as reaction rate
             cover of this issue.
                                                                  constants, charge transfer, and the energy flow into the quantum
             Changes in molecular structure with time can be observed   states of molecular fragments. Each step brings us closer to the
             by acquiring Coulomb explosion images at different stages   goal of achieving a complete understanding and potentially even
             throughout a chemical process. In the example illustrated here,   control of the fundamental chemical dynamics governing our
             two benzene rings oriented in a staggered conformation are   environment.
             linked by a single bond.  Torsional motion about the bond can   References
             be kick-started using a laser pulse and, after a user-defined
             delay, a second pulse can induce a Coulomb explosion, creating   • “Dynamic Stark Control of Torsional Motion by a Pair of
             a snapshot of the position of the rings relative to one another.   Laser Pulses. “ L. Christensen, J. H. Nielsen, C. B. Brandt, C. B.
             Combining images from multiple delays creates a “molecular   Madsen, L. B. Madsen, C. S. Slater, A. Lauer, M. Brouard, M. P.
             movie” of the torsional dynamics.                    Johansson, B. Shepperson, and H. Stapelfeldt. Phys. Rev. Lett.
                                                                  113, 073005 (2014).
             The remarkable properties of the PImMS sensor also allow
             mode-selective chemistry to be explored. The research group   • ‘
             of Stuart Mackenzie is currently investigating how to influence   • Studies of Photoinduced Molecular Dynamics Using a Fast
             the ratio of products that form from particular reactants by   Imaging Sensor’.  C. S.  Slater.  Springer monograph: http://
             using infrared light to vibrationally excite the starting materials.
             This opens up new reaction pathways that allow the reaction
             to be directed towards a desired product. For instance, one
             intuitive way to direct a reaction is to vibrationally excite a
             bond to encourage it to break to form a particular product.
             One of the key aims of the collaboration is to use the PImMS
             sensor to scrutinise this phenomenon in detail. This is achieved
             by photodissociating a species of interest (typically a metal-
             bound molecular complex) and utilising the multi-mass
             imaging functionality of the PImMS sensor to view the resulting
             fragments. By comparing the images recorded in the presence
             and absence of infrared light, insight is gained into how the
             energy available in these dissociation processes is partitioned

                                                               The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry
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