Page 19 - PERIODIC Magazine Issue 5
P. 19
In spiring the
Next Generation
The Department of Chemistry is committed
to supporting the teaching of science
in schools and has a long-established
programme of activities aimed at enriching
the science curriculum, raising aspirations
and inspiring the next generation of
chemists. We continue to monitor, evaluate
and develop the outreach we offer informed
by current research, the changing education
landscape and in consultation with teachers,
pupils and other education professionals.
skills working with a supportive team; their feedback
Research in this field shows
that to increase the impact of indicates that they find the experience worthwhile,
outreach to realise our aims, rewarding and enjoyable.
we need to offer a sustained We are proud of the wide range of outreach we offer
programme, with students which engages with thousands of school students and
engaged throughout their hundreds of teachers each year and continues to grow.
education. Consequently, the We are always open to ideas and are grateful to all who
Department offers activities support our efforts.
from primary through
to the end of secondary
education both independently and in collaboration with Chemistry for Kids
a range of providers who share our goals. These events It is never too early to start introducing children to the
include collaborative annual Primary Science Days with delights of chemistry, and with this in mind, teaching and
the departments of Materials, outreach specialist Dr Malcolm
Mathematics, Computer Science Stewart has provided chemistry
and Physics, and our extensive expertise for a new children’s book
practical workshops where on the periodic table aimed at Key
students have the opportunity to Stage 2, called Lift the Flap Periodic
synthesise esters, analyse dyes Table published by Usborne; ISBN
in cough sweets or construct an 978-1-4749-2266-1.
aluminium/air battery - to name
but a few. Malcolm says: ‘Chemistry is always
perceived as a difficult subject
As well as running events, we offer and a lot of people are scared of
training to our students to develop it. By presenting the idea of the
and deliver workshops and talks periodic table in a friendly way to
at schools as student ambassadors younger children, this fear should
including the delivery of the be alleviated and give people the
RSC’s ‘Spectroscopy in a Suitcase’ confidence to embrace chemistry
project. Our ambassadors have at secondary school and beyond.’
the opportunity to further their
communication and presentation
The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry