Page 19 - PERIODIC Magazine Issue 6
P. 19

U nderstanding   Theoretically

                        media reporting                                          speaking

                        of science

            Dr Holly Reeve,                                          David Ormrod Morley and Tim Burd,
            Project Manager                                          students in the Theory and Modelling in
            and Co-Investigator                                      Chemical Sciences Centre for Doctoral
            of the HydRegen                                          Training, are podcasting to make
            Project, has been                                        theoretical chemistry accessible to people
            working with the                                         all over the world.
            Daily Mirror Science                                     What is theoretical chemistry? This is a question that we
            and Technology team                                      get asked all the time when we try to explain to people
            as part of a British                                     what we do for our PhDs. Everyone seems to have an
            Science Association                                      idea about what a chemist does, going about their lab in
            initiative. The scheme aims to give scientists           a white coat synthesising exciting new molecules, and
            and engineers the confidence and willingness             equally people can picture a theoretical physicist with a
            to engage with the media and to tackle issues            blackboard full of equations, or standing in a tunnel at
            of trust and misrepresentation, as well as               CERN. However, in the middle of these there lies a huge
            to give journalists access to new scientific             and diverse field of research, which few people seem
            expertise.                                               to know about, in which scientists like us are trying to
                                                                     use theory and computation to try and answer the big
            During my time at the Mirror I wrote more than 20 articles,   questions chemists are asking in the lab. So we set out to
            including a feature piece and a science podcast. The feature,   correct this and to give people an insight into the world
            ‘Why Love Island is turning you into a scientist’ describes   of theoretical chemistry. The result was our podcast
            Love Island from the perspective of evolutionary biology   Theoretically Speaking.
            and was inspired by a conversation with researchers from
            Oxford’s Zoology department – it’s been well received by   Series 1 was released in January this year and the format
            scientists, I’m not sure about Love Island fans…         was simple. Each week we discussed the theory behind
                                                                     one of the hot topics in the field, and interviewed a
            I learnt a huge amount about how researchers can better   leading academic about its use in their research and
            interact with the media and about the importance of working   the future of science. With subjects ranging from
            with University press teams to frame research projects and   biomolecular simulation to quantum computing and even
            promote them to journalists. Being at the Mirror in particular   using virtual reality in chemistry, we really hope there
            challenged me to use a new writing style to keep people   was something for everyone to get excited about! We
            engaged to the end of a story.                           certainly had a great time producing it, and it has been
                                                                     amazing to interact with listeners around the world who
            During the podcast session (where we got a little distracted
            at times!), we discussed how Chemistry is often the hidden   have got in contact through social media. So if you have a
            science in journalism. Readers show a significant preference   spare 20 minutes you can find Theoretically Speaking on
            for Physics, Space and Biology. During our outreach projects,   SoundCloud, iTunes or your favourite podcast app, and
            we already try to focus on showing audiences how critical   be sure to let us know what you think!
            chemistry is to all of our daily lives, but this experience
            has shown me that we need to do more to capture the
            imaginations of the public and to make our science more

            You can listen to Holly’s podcast at:

                                                               The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry
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