Page 11 - Periodic ISSUE 8
P. 11


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                     hemistry in Cells
 Periodic magazine sat down with Volker Deringer, recently appointed Associate
 Professor of Theoretical and Computational Inorganic Chemistry, to discuss
 atomic-scale computer simulations, allotropes of carbon, and plenty more…
            Understanding the interplay between chemistry,    Alongside the development of
 How would you describe your research?  amorphous structures. We   biology, and physics in the natural world is more   these emerging techniques the
 want to expose it to lots   important than ever, and so we are pleased to   programme will provide training
 We use accurate computer simulations to understand the   of possible arrangements   Professor Volker Deringer.  announce the establishment of a new cross-  and support to promote and
 atomic structure of inorganic materials. Our aim is to link   of atoms, including unfamiliar ones. Then we can answer   divisional doctoral training programme that aims   nurture a diverse and supportive
 that structure to practical applications, and ultimately   really broadly relevant questions in chemistry and   to develop innovative physical science-based   research environment. Led by
 we hope to suggest new synthetic materials. I’m most   materials science.  approaches to answer key biological questions   Profs Stuart Conway, Angela
 interested in materials that are hard to characterise, like   relevant to diagnosis and treatment of disease.  Russell, Akane Kawamura, and
 amorphous matter, where we don’t yet know the whole   In modelling inorganic materials, there’s often a choice:   Frances Platt (Department of   X-ray crystal
 atomic structure.  use quantum mechanics for highly accurate results, or   The Chemistry in Cells DPhil programme is newly   Pharmacology), the programme   structure of a molecule
 empirically fitted force fields for very large systems. The   established with £5.8 million of funding from the   brings together around 50 physical   developed in Oxford
 Using quantum mechanics, we’re able to model materials   hope is now to achieve both at the same time – of course   Wellcome Trust and industrial partners, offering   binding to the CREBBP
 very accurately, but only for a couple of hundred atoms   this is a highly simplified, and optimistic, view. We won’t   multidisciplinary training to a generation of outstanding   and biomedical lead scientists   bromodomain, a protein
                                                                                                 involved in cancer.
 at a time. A central part of my research is using machine   be making established methods obsolete, but I expect   graduate physical scientists. Its aim is to break new   from across the university, other
 learning to reach much larger system sizes, while keeping   that machine learning methods will complement them   ground by accurately and directly quantifying the   institutions, and industry.
 the same accuracy. This allows us to attain an entirely   much more widely in the future. And we aim to be at the   interactions of molecules, and their consequences, in   The first cohort of students will begin in Michaelmas
 new degree of realism in structural modelling, and we’re   forefront of that!  biological settings such as cells, tissues and organisms.   2020 with taught courses, followed by a 16-week
 starting to reach quantitative agreement with what   This research will have applications in the understanding   Springboard phase that allows the students to orientate
 experimental colleagues are measuring in the lab.  What applications of these methods are you   and development of treatments of diseases including   themselves within the laboratories of their prospective
 currently working on, and what’s the next big   cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and conditions such as
 We hear a lot about machine learning nowadays –   challenge?  supervisors, before their substantive DPhil project
 how are you applying it to chemistry?  diabetes.             starts in the spring of their first academic year. The
 I always say that we must first understand existing          students will have the opportunity for 1–3 month
 Many established ideas in materials modelling are based   materials properly, and only based on that can we hope to   placements in industry relevant to their projects, and
 on physical concepts – for instance, thinking of bonding in   design new ones.   will also experience clinical placements so that they
 terms of spring constants between atoms. This has been       can contextualise the medical setting and importance
 extremely successful for decades. In our machine learning   For example, we’ve been looking at how sodium ions can   of their research. Transition funding at the end of their
 models, we don’t pre-define what these interactions look   intercalate into disordered carbon, just like how lithium in   projects will enable the students to explore diverse
 like: all the information is somehow   graphite is used for batteries. You might think   routes into postdoctoral careers, be they in academia,
 encoded in the data, and we have to   that the two alkali metals behave in a similar   in industry, or in other areas.
 use the right algorithms to tease it   way, but they really don’t. And carbon is still
 out.   “only” an elemental system! In the coming   
 years we hope to branch out into more                        @chem_in_cells
 We spend a lot of time building   complex chemical compositions, with lots of
 databases – sets of relatively small-  implications for practical applications.  “We believe that embracing and
 scale, highly accurate, quantum                                         supporting diversity in all forms will lead
 mechanics simulations – for fitting   Making machine learning modelling broadly   to a collaborative research culture in which
 machine learning models, covering   accessible, coming up with the right datasets   Break-through technologies emerging from the   science and scientists can flourish”
 structural space as efficiently as we   A disordered carbon structure   to capture complicated structures, and   physical sciences that the new students will harness   Directors, CiC programme
 can. If we are looking at elemental   (grey) with sodium ions   using all that knowledge to predict all-new   are not yet widely used or applied in complex biological
 interspersed (yellow): one of many
 carbon, we’d want to “teach” our   atomic-scale challenges    materials: those are some of the major   systems of relevance. By focusing on specific biological   “The Department is very excited to be hosting the
 model with data for diamond, graphite,  for computer simulations.   challenges for the coming years.    questions and fostering collaborations between physical   Wellcome Trust doctoral training programme Chemistry
 nanotubes, but also liquid and   Image credit: J. Mater. Chem.  @vl_deringer  and biomedical researchers, the Chemistry in Cells   in Cells. The initiative is perfectly aligned with our vision of
 A (2019) 7 19070.  programme will help to test and apply these cutting-  supporting collaborative multi-disciplinary research, from
            edge lab-based methods, translating their use into   which ground-breaking discoveries are so often made.”
 Volker Deringer completed his doctorate at RWTH Aachen University in Germany before moving to the University of Cambridge in 2015   medicine.
 as an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation fellow. He was subsequently awarded a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship at the same   Mark Brouard, Head of Chemistry
 institution before joining Oxford Chemistry in September 2019. In addition to his post in the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, he is a
 Tutorial Fellow at St Anne’s College.

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