Page 15 - PERIODIC Magazine Issue 5
P. 15
next year or two we hope to expand and employ more Showcase
people. We are getting very busy and have several paying
clients in the industries that use enzymes - synthetic salutes green
biology, agriculture and big pharma – and they are now
synthesising enzymes we have identified. progress
We’re now developing our own intellectual property, and
we’re looking at solving new problems, leading to more
clean and efficient production routes for different classes At the University’s Sustainability Showcase on 12th Keep sash below RED ZONE
of medicines. One of the problems in the pharma industry June, the Department of Chemistry was proud RED ZONE for hood set-up only!
is that of ‘batch failure’, which can lead to scarcities of a to receive a number of awards to recognise the
particular drug; sometimes the process of manufacturing hard work of a small team (who call themselves
a drug fails if the chemical techniques aren’t sufficiently “Green Meanies”) of students and staff who have
robust. Enzymes can improve batch failure rates, but the been working during the past year to make the
catch is that you can spend a long time and around 2-3 Department more environmentally sustainable.
million pounds creating the right enzyme for a process. The Green Impact scheme is a National Union of
Every single position on an enzyme protein is unique, and Students scheme to empower people to achieve
there are millions of combinations, but the technology we sustainable workplaces by asking them to complete
have created allows us to predict enzyme activity quickly a number of criteria, and reward them with a
and accurately. Procedures that usually take many months Bronze, Silver or Gold award.
can be compressed down to a single day. It’s a mixture of KEEP SASH
programming and scientific method - essentially providing Building on their work and experiences, from AT OR BELOW
a quantitative answer to a qualitative problem. previous years the Green Meanies were able
to achieve a first for the University, namely an
Excellence Award. This was for a series of short
films which they had produced which promote
What have you learned from creating a business, sustainability and safety within the working
and do you have any tips for aspiring scientific environment, and especially the labs. The team
entrepreneurs? also achieved Gold for both the Department and its
There have been challenges along the way, but it has been laboratories.
stimulating and great fun. The main thing I have learned Individuals within the Green Meanies team were
from this experience is the effect that a few people can also highlighted, with Jean-Charles Buffet awarded
have on your trajectory – that adds a lot. We talked to Staff Award and Theresa Scharbert and Siyu Chen
Professor Graham Richards at the very beginning. He highly commended in the Student Award category.
was extremely generous; he gave us good advice and
legal contacts and introduced us to our investors, Oxford The Green Meanies team don’t intend to let the MORE SAFE, LESS ENERGY
Sciences Innovation. Professor Davies has been with us ink dry on their awards, and are already starting to
from the start too – he enabled us to get the project off plan what to do over the new academic year. They
the ground and remains Enzbond’s Scientific Advisor. My would be delighted to have new members from
Sustainability Showcase salutes green progress
DPhil supervisor, Professor Rob Paton, was enormously within the staff and student community.
At the University’s Sustainability Showcase on 12 June, the Department of Chemistry was proud to receive a
helpful in allowing us freedom and space to get things
number of awards to recognise the hard work of a small team (who call
going, as were Professors Cathy Pears, Kylie Vincent, Chris
themselves “Green Meanies”) of students and staff who have been
Schofield and Luet Wong. It’s tremendous when people
working during the past year to make the Department more
environmentally sustainable. The Green Impact scheme is a National
help you out.
Union of Students scheme to empower people to achieve sustainable
workplaces by asking them to complete a number of criteria, and reward
As far as tips go, I’d say that perseverance is king.
them with a Bronze, Silver or Gold award.
Building on their work and experiences, from previous years the Green
I also think that everybody needs to create their own
Meanies were able to achieve a first for the University, namely an
direction. You’ll get a thousand and one different suggestions,
Excellence Award. This was for a series of short films which they had
produced which promote sustainability and safety within the working
but the one that’s right is the one you believe in.
environment, and especially the labs. The team also achieved Gold for
both the Department and its laboratories.
Individuals within the Green Meanies team were also highlighted, with
Jean-Charles Buffet awarded Staff Award and Theresa Scharbert and
Siyu Chen highly commended in the Student Award category.
The Green Meanies team don’t intend to let the ink dry on their awards, ALWAYS CLOSE
and are already starting to plan what to do over the new academic year. NOT WORKING
They would be delighted to have new members from within the staff and
student community.
The Magazine of the Department of Chemistry